Learn more about what we value most!

Welcome to
New Covenant

When you enter your home, all stress falls off. You are unapologetically you. No pretenses, no charades. Right when you step through that door, an overwhelming sense of comfort comes over you. You are in the place you belong with people who love you unconditionally. You can be real, no matter what. At New Covenant Fellowship, we want to be the church where you feel at home. No pretenses, no fuss, no charades. We are a church where people from all walks of life feel loved and accepted. When you are at NCF, you are with a family that does life together. We worship God, experience the life-giving power of the Holy Spirit, and encourage and pray for one another.

We want you to feel at home here. No matter who you are or where you are in life – welcome home.

Need to talk?

We like coffee (or tea, or any hot beverage) and we love people! No matter who you are or where you are in life, God sees you. He cares about you, and so do we!

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